Eco Cheeks

Here’s a few of my favourite things…
☁️ Making the world a better place
☁️ Toilet humour
☁️ Eco-friendly products
☁️ Looking after your body
☁️ A touch of cheekiness
So what do you get when you mix them all together?
The newest brand added to the HLD family…
Eco Cheeks
The zero bleach, 100% bamboo, chicest looking toilet paper.
I was so excited to book this brand design project with Tanya. When we did her deep dive session, it was so evident how passionate she was about her business and making the world a better place for future generations.
I asked a question I always ask during our deep dive sessions: ‘If your brand was a song, what song would it be?’. And her answer was ‘What a Wonderful World’.
So this formed the key idea to shape Eco Cheeks’ visual brand identity. We built out her brand elements and toilet paper packaging with touches of clouds, blue skies and leafy patterns to imagine a world with no waste, clean air and happy families.
Thank you so much Tanya for choosing me to bring your vision to life. I’m so excited to see your business grow and to come along for the journey.