October moodboard: This s*** is bananas


Welcome to the mood for October…

🍌  T H I S  S * * *  I S  B A N A N A S 🍌 

It’s 2020, need I say much more about where this inspo came from?

I think we are all tired. We’ve all had so much going on. And after a while it just starts to feel like one thing after another. This clusterf*** just keeps snowballing. 

And I think sometimes you just have to throw your hands in the air and say “this s*** is just bananas” and have a bit of a laugh to yourself. Like really universe? How much more personal growth do we need to go through?

We need to bring light and laughter to the world. There’s so much rage, pain, frustration and sadness. We’re bruised and battered. But there is also so much softness, beauty and deliciousness. 

So I hope this month you are able to find some laughter amongst the chaos. A moment when you can have a chuckle to yourself even when it feels like things might be a bit too much for you. That moment when you break the heaviness with an energy shift to laughter. 

You are the one who pours the light through. You will keep shining. Keep that beautiful mellow yellow glow around you. 

Heidi Eiser