A 'behind the scenes' look at Heidi Lou Design's 2019

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What did 2019 look like? 

Wow. What a year. 2019 was my first full year in business. And I saw so much transition and growth, some of it quite uncomfortable. But I’m grateful and in awe of all of it. 

I worked with the amazing business coach Clare Wood and really tidied up my service offering, honed in on my ideal client and raised my prices. I started out in this business taking on any client I could get and doing everything for them. I decided to focus in on what I truly love and what I’m really good at, which is brand design. And I work only with female small business owners now. 

I met the most amazing people. Oh my god, it brings tears to my eyes to think of the little community I’ve become apart of. I go to networking events here in Toowoomba and in Brisbane and my heart is just so full when we all hug and catch up. You all know who you are, I’m so grateful to all of you!

And my beautiful branding clients! All of them have blossomed into beautiful friendships. In fact, I’m going to one’s house tonight for a New Year’s Eve party! 

Personally, it was a year of transition as well. I entered into a relationship at the start of the year and it ended abruptly in August. But I’m really proud of myself for standing up for the love I deserve. And also for letting myself feel the pain, rather than blocking it like I have done in the past. I took myself out of the dating game and focused on myself for the first time ever really. And I’m at a point now where I’m excited to start meeting new people again. 

My health was a big focus for the year. I prepared to come off my medication for my Crohn’s Disease and had my last treatment in October. I feel really good at the moment but it takes about a year for the medication to get out of my system, so it’s just a waiting game. But I am confident I can do this drug free. 

I also spent time with my beautiful grandparents, and cherished my time at home with my parents. My mum and I spent some beautiful time together, like going to see Shania Twain. My business would not be what it is without my mama. And my beautiful friendships that are just like family flourished even more. My ‘big sister’ and I can’t even go a week without seeing each other now. And I love the beautiful energy she brought to my life in 2019. Thank you for always being my cheerleader. 

What was your biggest success of the year?

It may sound a little corny, but I think my biggest successes are the clients who trusted me to create their brands. It feels like such an honour for these beautiful little businesses to invest in themselves by hiring my services and seeing the value it creates for them. 

I get a kick out of scrolling through Instagram and seeing a post from one of my branding clients and their little logo in the corner. It’s a surreal feeling. To see a logo I got so intimate with popping up when I’m not expecting it, it’s just awesome.

What was your biggest challenge of the year?

My first full year in business saw so many challenges. That’s always going to be the case. A big one was learning the balance between completing client work and marketing myself to make sure there is new client work coming in. 

I had some difficult client projects that didn’t go how I would have liked them to. But it made me learn so much for the future and how to vet my clients really well. 

The biggest challenge though was probably when there was no work coming in. I saw a really hard time in my business a few months out from Christmas where there was quite a lull. I was doing some work that I signed an NDA for, which meant I couldn’t share it. And I was receiving so many ‘no’s for my brand design quotes. But I used the time to work on the business and create the kind of work I want to do, to attract my ideal clients. So in hindsight, it really was needed. And I’m so grateful it’s picked up again and I’m booked out in advance. 

What do you love most about your business?

Everything. I couldn’t imagine going back to working for someone. I love the freedom it brings. The purpose it gives me. The beautiful friendships. And the creativity. 

What are your tips for designers wanting to go freelance full time?

I really wasn’t expecting to receive this question from my Insta fam! And I’m really not sure how to answer it. I would never want any designers to compare their journey to mine, because you just can’t compare. I was fortunate to be in a position where I could quit my full time job, move back home and build the business slowly from scratch. So it’s very easy for me to say that you just have to believe in yourself and trust the universe will be there to catch you. 

In a practical sense, I would recommend working with a business coach like Clare Wood. The investment is well worth it. 

What will you be leaving behind in 2019?

Comparison, definitely. Towards the end of the year I got really good at focusing on my own lane. And I plan to continue that in 2020. 

I also plan on feeling into every decision. I think in 2019 I jumped into a few things or said yes because I thought I should. 

And I’m also going to leave behind being hard on myself and now allowing the space to celebrate my achievements. 2020 will be a year of celebrating the wins, rather than moving onto the next. 

What does 2020 look like for Heidi Lou Design?

2020 looks amazing.

I’ll be tidying my processes and getting across my financials. 

I really plan on stepping into what the universe has in store for me. The thing that excites me so much is that I’ll be releasing my first art collection. It’s so so so scary, but I have a feeling that this will be amazing. 

I also plan on learning and refining my skills in lettering, photography, watercolour painting, illustrating and Photoshop. I really need to prioritise my skill development. 

My health will be a big focus again. I’m prioritising moving my body regularly and eating nourishing foods with intention.

I’ll be travelling around the Northern Territory and Western Australia in June with my beautiful grandparents. 

And I’ll be working with amazing women to create their brands!

I will create for the sake of creating, staying unattached from the outcome.

2020 will be the year of ‘flow’. 

Let’s do this. 

Heidi Eiser