January moodboard: Rome wasn't built in a day


Welcome to January 2020!

I thought a lot about this moodboard. I thought hard about what I wanted on it to shape my personal projects for the start of the year.

A common theme that kept coming up was ‘new year, new me’. But here’s what I realised- a new year does not equate to a new you. We often put so much pressure on ourselves to start the new year fresh, void of mistakes and imperfections. The stroke of midnight is not the wave of a magic wand. Reaching your goals and becoming the person you want to become doesn’t happen overnight.

As they say, “Rome wasn’t built in a day”.

We have to keep doing the work. We have to take it one step at a time.

It may be a new year, and we can keep chasing those goals. But we don’t have to put expectations on ourselves to get it right straightaway.

And we need to show ourselves love and nurture if we don’t.

Hence, I went with a Roman theme for the moodboard.

Note though, it’s probablyyyyy not historically accurate. Just pretty :)

I’ve used statues, architecture, typefaces, patterns and renaissance art.

I’ve also included photos of the gorgeous packaging for Loco Love Chocolate.

Also, I’ve never been much of a coffee drinker but lately I’ve become a little obsessed. So it’s creamy, smooth and earthy colours make an appearance also.

So here’s to a beautiful January, inspired by the ethereal nature of Rome.

And here’s to a new year, better me. One day at a time.

Heidi Eiser