"Allow yourself to be pulled by your heart"

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I’ve been working on money mindset a LOT lately. I’m changing my money story and committing to a better relationship with my moolah. ⠀

One book I have on the go is ‘You are a badass at making money’ by Jen Sincero and I am so here for it. I read a paragraph on my stories while I was laying on the beach enjoying my holidays and sooo many of you replied saying how much it resonated with you! So I thought I’d share it here… ⠀

“Pay attention to the things you’re drawn to, the things you’re good at, the things you lose yourself in, the things that make you stand up and say, “My foot! I can’t feel my foot!” Because you’ve been sitting in the same position for hours, totally engrossed. All yourself to be pulled by your heart instead of pushing your way through a thick fog of shoulds. So often we discredit the things that come naturally because we’ve bought into the idea that success needs to be difficult, or that if something comes easily to us, it must come easily to everyone, and therefore isn’t worth pursuing in any serious sort of way.” ⠀

Just because you think it’s easy, doesn’t mean you can’t make money from it! Good old imposter syndrome gets every single one of us. ⠀

When you listen to your heart, what is it that you REALLY want to do? What does life look like?⠀

Who says you can’t have that dream life? If you can envision it, it exists. It can be reality. The only thing that stands between you and that vision, is your worthiness. Come along for the ride my friends, let’s chase our dreams. ⠀

P.S. That last line may or may not be a clue as to the theme for my second collection coming out for Christmas time.

Heidi Eiser