My intentions for the new moon in Gemini 


I’m trying something a little new this month. Each new moon, I perform a little ritual to set my intentions. I cleanse my space, take some time to reset and think about what’s coming ahead. 

So I thought I’d like to share with you all how I go about my ritual and what my intentions for the month ahead are. 

I’d really like to do this each month and also show you how I work my prints in with this ritual as well. They have such meaning behind them. And this intention setting is a way of getting back to this connection to the message of my ‘Freely’ collection. 

I’m by no means an astrology expert but I love to research what the new moon brings for me each month. I feel like every astrologer has a different interpretation. But I like to feel into what resonates for me and apply it to my life. I really think there are no right or wrong answers here. You just have to go with what the energy feels like for you, and what rituals and practises work best for yourself. 


With the previous season of Taurus, I found it quite intense. It felt heavy and thick. I’ve been feeling a lot of stagnant energy. Work has felt all consuming. I’ve had a lot on my plate and I know that I haven’t been resting enough or taking much time out. I also haven’t prioritised moving my body so I know that’s probably contributed to the stagnant energy. 

But being over run by work isn’t what ‘Freely’ is about. The message behind Freely was inspired by my own journey with freedom. I left a corporate job to create my own business so that I could do what I love, prioritise my health, and have space in my schedule. My whole life I thought that having a corporate job was what I should do. I wanted that picture of success. So starting my own business was about getting back to who I was before the world told me who I should be. It was about stripping bare, following my intuition, letting go of expectations, loving myself and growing. 

And lately it hasn’t felt that way. I know I can get there. Having a business can be hard work. And I know it will pay off. Right now I feel like it’s a lot of hard work and the other side will feel freer and more flowy. 


This new moon feels like a breath of fresh air. Like a refreshing breeze. It’s time to open the windows and let some fresh air circulate. 

With Gemini being an air sign, it makes complete sense. And with being a Gemini myself, I feel like I’ll be at home with this season. 

I’ve been so consumed by work and all my thoughts are up in my head rolling around. I really want get them out of my head and give them space to air out. I need to do a big brand dump in my journal. Because when I give my thoughts space, it feels more manageable. 

For now, I still have quite a bit of work to get through but then I have some time out scheduled. I am heading to the coast for 11 nights for a little staycation by myself. 

Until then, I’m going to concentrate on one thing at a time. Get through my to do list. 

And then take some time out. 

I’m really looking forward to some time at the coast. The perfect place to get some fresh air. I’m looking forward to charging and nourishing myself so I can listen to the gentle nudges of the universe. 

I’m going to take long walks, read a book, journal a lot, plan and dream. 

I know I’ve felt cluttered and suffocating. So I will allow the space. I’ll connect to my energised self, work out what drains me and allow space for new ideas, plans and visions. 

I’ll connect back to the message of ‘Freely’ and work out how I can bring more freedom to my life. 

So my intention is to allow the air to flow and allow space for what’s coming. 

Thank you Gemini season. 

Heidi Eiser